Solar Power Solution
Electricity is the most basic and essential requirement in sustaining & improving the quality of life. Uninterrupted supply of electricity upon demand for various usages like households, urban & rural communities, commercial establishments, offices, health center & Industries is the most basic of requirements to ensure improvement in quality of life, productivity & fuel the economic growth.
India has historically been a power deficit country. While the government in India has taken various steps in past to address this issue but due to limited generation & due to unavailability of power transmission infrastructure causes severe demand supply gap and in turn hardship to the people, effecting GDP growth of the country. To fulfill day to day energy requirement/routine task masses were compelled to use alternative sources of non replenishable fossil fuels like kerosene, wood, diesel, coal etc. due to extensive use of fossil fuels (which are limited & finite) we all have come to a stage where mankind is threatened by energy security & havoc of global warming.
To overcome above issues a need was felt to use Renewable energy for sustainable growth in all sphere of growth. This not only provides energy security but will help communities to fight the Global warming. Greatest of renewable energy source identified is SUN that is original source of unlimited, clean & environment friendly energy.
CD Multimedia Gallery has a Mission Objective to work towards nation's energy security & fight the Global Warming along with sustainable development by providing various products, solutions & services based on Solar Photovoltaic and allied Renewable energy technologies.